12 Unhinged Coworkers and Bosses More Toxic Than Britney Spears
Nathan Johnson
We all know that Dave in accounting is a real jerk, but the coworkers from these peoples' jobs are even worst. As you scroll through their tales, just be grateful you don't work with anyone this bad.
And by the way if you think no one at your company is the hated employee, then that just means you're probably the person no one wants to work with. Sorry to break the news!
Here's some work memes to help you feel better.
And by the way if you think no one at your company is the hated employee, then that just means you're probably the person no one wants to work with. Sorry to break the news!
Here's some work memes to help you feel better.
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I work with a woman who is threatened by other women, especially if they are younger and have more education than her.
She consistently tries to discourage women from furthering their education and constantly tries to get women she is threatened by fired. She is a goddam nightmare. -
Tony. He never did his job but loves to tell you how to do yours. -
Had an assistant who plotted to get me fired and take my job. Some of my workers let me know because he tried to get them onboard with him.
Eventually, due to politics, I was demoted but asked to be put on the shift relieving him (we would work 12 hour shifts on weekends).
After being relieved by phone a couple of times (against the rules) I intentionally came in four hours early and he was no where on site.
I still got a call from him when he should have relieved me like he was still on site. I let the guards know and they videotaped him and I got him fired. -
We worked in a store that sold fairly expensive products and there were four of us working there. The woman in question was basically the owner's second-in-command.
She seemed totally cool at the time, but then I got fired. And then a month later our other coworker got fired. So it was just the two of them and when the owner was busy, it was often just her.
It wasn't long before he realized she was stealing hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of products when he wasn't around, and that she'd manipulated him into firing his two other employees so she could have the store to herself.
He has new employees now and they're awesome. I plan on visiting a lot more once I'm vaccinated. -
I quit smoking due to a coworker that would follow me to every smoke break to talk about their problems when I needed some god damn me time.
It's been three years and I still haven't bothered to pick the habit back up. -
We had a system admin who would come to work and run his real estate business from his desk while he was supposed to be working.
The whole time coughing and sneezing and sniffling constantly. We called him "Itchy." He would also take hours long personal calls while we all had to listen.
He picked up the nickname "Thanksgiving dinner guy" for using the break room to cook entire meals that wouldn't be out of place at a family gathering.
One of the offices in another wing had a sheet by the door for people to log when they saw him and what he was cooking that day.
He didn't like any of us (the feeling was mutual) and left books like "Jerks at Work" on his desk.
When he finally got fired, they found out he never did any of his system admin work. No backups, no password changes, no log monitoring. -
She was a lady in her 50s. We worked at a doctor's office. Nothing was EVER her fault, she could not take even the nicest constructive criticism, and constantly complained about EVERYTHING.
One of my nicest coworkers ever (who was around the same age so not an ageism thing) often was the recipient of her blame and because she never took responsibility, it was regularly the same issues she never learned to correct.
They bickered a lot after a couple years of this. One day the nice coworker went to the car to grab her anxiety med, and the obnoxious one went to the office manager and then HR saying she thought the nice one went to get a weapon to hurt her.
Like what?! She didn't even own a weapon? And the nice one GOT FIRED. I was absolutely SHOCKED. Any lingering respect I had for her was gone.
I've had a lot of jobs and met some sh*tty people but she was the most stressful nightmare who could boohoo her way into getting pity parties on cue. -
My old boss could be really good, but here are some of the things leading up to her getting fired:
• she would berate people into taking her random vitamins
• she would insist that we all attend her hot yoga class. She would get people to do it by putting them “on the clock”
• she would pinch your arm if she didn’t like what you were saying to a customer
• I had to share a room with her at a conference. She slept naked. She got so drunk she went to hang out with a random couple in their room, came back & puked all over our room
• she would climb ladders in front of customers while wearing tiny dresses
Right before she got fired we had a team meeting in a park. Employees brought their dogs, smoked, and were down right mean to her. She brought it all on herself but it was awkward to watch.
She had a few redeeming qualities, but her awful ones are much more memorable. -
I worked shifts. Can't go home unless I pass over my reports to the next person face-to-face.
One particular b*tch loves coming in late. Not 5 or 10 minutes late, I'm talking 25 to 30 minutes late. Best part, she loves b*tching about how everyone is always on her ass for coming in late.
She literally lives 5 minutes walk away from work, so no one knows why she's always late. -
I briefly had a coworker at my current job at a local grocery store. We'll just call him "Fred."
Fred is one of those people who's always talking on his phone in the break room and that's my personal pet peeve at work. More often than not, he's usually arguing with his girlfriend and he doesn't seem to care that anyone's listening.
He'd do other annoying things like chew with his mouth open and wipe his boogers all over the place, but then there was one day when he tried to flush a Hot Pocket down the toilet.
He surprisingly didn't get fired over that, but he did get fired when one of his old high school teachers came in shopping and he threw a whole sack of potatoes at her. She was an elderly woman who got seriously injured and the cops had to get involved.
Fred is currently in jail for assaulting his teacher, but he apparently also attacked his lawyer for reasons unknown. -
This woman was one of those people who always had to one up you. Like if you cut your thumb off, she was just recently sawed in half.
She was constantly complaining and miserable and it was so draining. -
She almost got me fired because she wanted to find the weakest looking guy to be her little errand boy.
When I told her politely to go screw herself, she told HR that I had been taking work out of her queue in the system.
It wasn't a very good lie though, because why would I want to do more work than I have to? I even said this to HR in the disciplinary meeting.